Thursday, November 04, 2004


This world is a mysterious place. There's mystery everywhere. And surely, Almighty has provided a way of "closing" each mystery. God allows us either to crack it or forget it. And God, in his inimitable way, has provided the privilege of controlling all this to a shrewd, unscrupulous, merciless dictator-for-life called Time. This guy, Time, keeps this powerful weapon under his ass, and uses it according to his whim and fancy. I thought I'll write about this guy "Time" today because around two days back, people forced me to see a flash animation describing the characteristics of this wierdo.

This guy, Time, is trust-worthy at times. He has a sureshot answer about how and when a mystery will be solved. Take a look at the most recent biggie - the unfathomable mystery. This world had its sleepy eye turned towards a very excited country - The United States of America, to see how they decide who's going to lead that helluva place. I do not know what implications the result of this mystery has to each dog and cat in this world, but for me, it matters a lot. Bush is boring, we already had 4 years of him. But I don't like this guy Kerry. That's just because I don't know this guy. And I hope neither of the two become the President of the pigsty. But Time smiled at me and said, "One of those two is going to be the President, and you will have to wait till Nov 3, 2004 to know. Yes, I trust Time. I know that when he says something, it's going to happen, exactly the way he said it. You must be aware of the fact that one of the two did, to my surprise and horror, become the President.

I thought I could trust Time to keep me posted on all the things I consider important. But let me tell you, Time knows how to hurt you in such a way as to maximise the pain and optimize the anguish. I just asked him when I will be able to get my hands on my new mobile and what model would that be. Time gave his dreaded smile and said, "You figure that out!". I call that injustice. It is unfair to cut me off when I make a self-less request such as this. I have not asked for my soul-mate. I've just asked for a cell-phone to give some company to my trouser-pocket for a few hours each day. I have no idea why he doesn't let me get my hands on any clues on this.

In another few minutes, Time would give that horrible smile again and let me know that I better leave office and hit the road. But why do I have to obey his orders? He doesn't seem to be going around with a whip. But, he still controls my life in a clever way.

Here's my request to every one who's reading this blog. Please let me know if Time has ever told you which mobile I will buy. I also be glad if someone can give me an idea as to how we can lock this trouble-maker in some prison for a few yea... aah... there you are. I know how Time is controlling me. I can not live without Time. Aw... I hate him, but I can not live without him. But when you can not live without someone, people say that its Love. So, what's this Love-Hate paradox?

I am confused...


Segmentation fault. Core dumped.
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