Saturday, May 28, 2005

Traffic on the golden gate

Traffic on the golden gate
Originally uploaded by saisrujan.
If someone asks me to pick one photo out of all the hundreds of photos I have taken in the US, so that it best represents the brighter side of the US, I would pick this one up with closed eyes.

A massive bridge, called the golden gate. A classy suspension bridge represents the engineering spirit of this nation. The six-lane motor-way represents the infrastructural superiority of the nation. Cars and trucks going in a straight line behind each other in each lane represent the orderliness. The speed limit sign-board represents the discipline of the nation.

Now, I haven't ventured the darker side of the nation. If I could've taken this snap from a little-height, you would have noticed the toll-booth. Even though the toll charges are high, I am not complaining about that. A few minutes after we payed the toll and rode away, a guy came in a stolen car and shot at a toll-collector because she tried to stop him.

Think about it...

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