Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Einstein and Violin

Another of Einstein's photographs in my collection. Something that connects to me.

Someone said Einstein might not have come up with the theory of relativity if he didn't play the violin. I have no idea how far that is true, but I did learn that Einstein drew his creative inspiration from Mozart and Bach.

But I can definitely tell you that playing a violin does make you feel really good about yourself. Its like driving your Harley Davidson minus the adrenalin rush minus the inevitable risk.

Learning a musical instrument is always fun if you like listening to music. Even getting a few notes correctly brings a smile to your face. But violin is not for the occasional fun-seekers. You gotta be extremely serious about your practice and the initial depression will soon fade away once the initial sqeaks slowly turn into more meaningful notes. For beginners, I'd confidently recommend a key-board. Go play it away.

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