Saturday, February 17, 2007

As white as driven snow

Every blog has its day. Today is this blog's day, and so this blog is being revived to its original glory. Better late than never. This blog smiles at every reader who considered this blog dead. This blog rised from its apparent grave.

While the blog was busy in its deathbead trying to decide whether or not to die, I was busy playing with my life. Yes, my life has taken a major turn, or rather I've turned my life around. I had blissfully positioned myself in the laid back city of Hyderabad (laid back in every sense except for its traffice sense) and suddenly I find myself in some remote town of Pennsylvania. How did that happen? Well, all that (hi)story is not worth studying. As per my policy, there's nothing you can do with History. So, leave it at that.

Now, I believe this town has a lot in store for me to see, do and experience. Let me describe the first of such experiences. Its the snow. I saw it snowing for the first time in my life. Yes, when I had been to Shimla, I could have a glimpse of snowy mountains from quite a distance, and we did play with some stagnant ice at a picnic spot. But here, it was real snow, and atleast 18 inches of snow, as pure as it falls, all of it in a span of two days.

When it snows, a dreamland opens up in front of your eyes. Everything is pure white, and the entire ambience lightens up your heart. Its probably like the feel you get after you've quickly gulped in multiple of shots of vodka. You forget all your worries and concerns, and smile at the beauty of life for a couple of minutes. I stare into the white snowland that has enveloped my vision, and drink in the spectacle, and then someone taps on my shoulder and reminds me that it's time to reach office.

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